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Little update from the Erke Fam. Our T1 journey is becoming somewhat second nature to us. We are adjusting, as a family, to many new norms with the hope that we all make Maverick continue to lead a healthy and mostly normal life. He is still a very happy & active toddler. We are asked often how he is doing and we always feel so blessed to say he is doing well. If any kid was made for this journey it was him. He takes the injections, alarms, and added steps in stride and doesn't really seem to let it be something that holds him back. We are so thankful that his journey so far has not resulted in any serious side effects and we hope to continue to learn to prevent that as long as we are able. This is not a journey I would wish on anyone but there truly are so many blessings to come from his diagnosis. We have adopted a T1 Family approach which has resulted in healthier habits for all of us and really has made use closer as a family. Our older two are the perfect siblings to Mav a

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